Spain Is Not Such A Train.

We aren’t trying to push it.

You think we’re absurd? Nah. We’re just

A mirror to the world.

In Spain,

We know that the Earth will spin on its tilting axis

Wobbling us nearer and farther and nearer again

To the life-giving, life-taking sun,

In a fixed gravitational orbit

(Gracias a Dios!)

Hurtling through infinite space

towards our own eventual dispersal.

It only feels like time is standing still.


Why bother?

Why fret over the inevitable?

Don’t stress.


In Spain, we don’t admit stress,

And we’re damn proud of it.

Yes, you’ll get your license,


Your paperwork.

Your refund.

Your surgery.

After disproportionate effort, maybe,

But that’s life in an entropic system,


Your issues, complaints and needs will

Likely be addressed,

In time.

At the natural speed of a fixed, gravitational pull

In a solar system hurtling towards dissolution.

So, if you happen to die

Before Spain gets to your resolution

Be practical.

Make sure you’ve got ten thousand Euros set aside.

Then your bereaved ones won’t have to


About your funeral.

© 2021 Eva de los Pleiedes

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